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Signature Gathering

Jul 15

1 min read




I can get my candidate statement in the Voters Pamphlet if I pay $2,500 or collect 300 signatures. My first day out was 7/13. My approach was to hold my 'Stop Genocide / Sign Here' sign and wait for people to approach. I got 18 signatures in 2 hours at the Hollywood Farmer's Market in the morning and another 21 in 2.5 hours at the Mississippi Street Fair. The next day, Sunday, I collected at the King Farmer's Market. This time I was more proactive and approached folks with, 'Hi, I'm Joe. I'm running for Congress on an anti-war, anti-genocide platform. If I get 300 signatures, I get my anti-war, anti-genocide message in the voters pamphlet'. That worked pretty well and I got 45 signatures in 3 hours.

The sun was hot both of those days and I got tired. It is good for the mental health, though, to ask 1000 strangers for help.

Jul 15

1 min read





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