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Lawn Sign

Sep 8

1 min read




Like 90% of Americans, I've known for some time that money corrupts our political system. What got me off the couch at this time is the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Palestine. That and the Democrats steadfast denial of said genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Palestine. What got me into this specific contest is that AIPAC has spent over 100 million dollars selecting soft-on-genocide Democrats across the country. They spent over 10 million to get rid of Bowman in New York and another 10+ million to oust Bush in Missouri. AIPAC brags that they picked Democrats in 90 primaries and all 90 won. In this race AIPAC spent 5 million to knock out Susheela Jayapal (sister of anti-genocidal congresswoman Pramila Jayapal). It is not a democracy if a genocidal foreign power controls our congress.

Compressing that into a lawn sign yields:

Sep 8

1 min read





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