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Joe Meyer for Oregon's 3rd Congressional District 

Vote Green for Peace, People and Planet.


 I am running for Congress because there has been a coup in the United States. We the people lost; corporate and foreign interests won. They won and they continue to beat us by controlling our elections.


During the primary for this race, the Intercept reported: “AIPAC is Secretly Intervening in Portland's Congressional Race to Take Down Susheela Jayapal...”  read more

My understanding of government follows my understanding of human nature. All social animals have an evolved politics, a way of organizing, deciding, and getting along.  Our democracy is in crises because we are far from home, far from our genetic expectation of how things are supposed to be.


The mismatch between our genetic expectations and our lived experience .. .more

  To restore our democracy, we have to practice democracy. Currently, as 90% of Americans agree, money rules our political system and disenfranchises regular citizens. Elected officials spend an average of six hours a day dealing with big-money donors, trading cash for policy. I want to invert this. When elected I will select citizens from my district by lottery to form a council of 100. more

Stop AIPAC : Stop Genocide :  Vote Green

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